Use a SIT tone on your answering machine to get rid of telemarketers.

From SusoSight

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Use a SIT tone on your answering machine to get rid of telemarketers.
Number: 64  
Date created: 2002-08-12 20:47:12
Previous Thought: Do all good things come to an end?
Next Thought: The reason I don't go to Radio Shack
Voting results: Yes: 54

No: 1

I found out this neat little trick while looking around on the web. Most telemarketing companies use computerized auto-dialers when calling you. The computer dials a set of numbers and if you pick up the phone and say something, it will connect you with the next operator available. This is why there is usually a delay between the time you pick up the phone, say hello and them saying "Hello Mr/Mrs. X.".

The computerized auto-dialers are also programed to remove your number from the list of numbers to call if it detects the SIT (Special Information Tone) as exampled in this wav file. So pretty much all you have to do is record the SIT tone at the beginning of your answering machine's outgoing message, followed by your real auto going message for people you know. Chances are, people wanting to really leave a message won't think anything of it. Plus, when they ask you why, you can explain to them why it is beneficial.