Color is relative

From SusoSight

Color is relative
Number: 73  
Date created: 2002-10-07 04:45:13
Previous Thought: Be careful how you treat people.
Next Thought: There is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo**3 much in this world.
Voting results: Yes: 28

No: 3

I found a 3d computer generated image yesterday that made a rather remarkable claim. I looked at this image with a bridging area that connects the two squares with the same color to show that they are the same color.

Now I've seen lots of eye tricking illusions like this before, but never quite one so convincing. To me, this really amplifies the idea that color is relative to the human brain. I have often discussed with people the possibility that we all see the same color in different ways. In other words, our brains register them differently.