My life stats
From SusoSight
I like to keep myself busy, but this may be a bit extreme. This is all currently what is going on as of early 2010, not historical.
- Children: 1 (and yes, I do spend time with her, more than you'd think)
- Current jobs: 2 (Cook and Suso)
- Average hours worked per week: 85 (45 Cook, ~30 Suso)
- I'm a sysadmin at both jobs so I'm on call double over.
- Exercise per day: ~20 minutes cardio
- Average sleep per day: 6 hours (I used to get less, like 4-5 hours)
- Current businesses owned/involved in: 2 (Suso Webhosting & Perfect Fit Alterations)
- Businesses doing contract work for: 5 (Fairly time involving)
- Clubs involved in: 6 (BLUG, BBUG, Bloomingpedia, Hackerspace and sometimes BNI and Bloomington Chamber)
- Mailing lists on: 13
- Seperate Email accounts actively used: 4
- Computers I call workstations: 4
- Servers/hosts responsible: 150 (110 at Cook, 40 at Suso)
- Cell phones: 2 (carry them both at once)
- Phone numbers: 5 (2 cells, home, both offices)
- Passwords/Passphrases memorized and used regularly: 15
- Websites managing: Probably about 20
- Twitter accounts: 6 (mkrenz, suso, climagic, bloomingpedia, btownperfectfit,numutils)
- accounts: 3 (mkrenz, climagic,suso)
- Other Microblogging accounts: 1 (suso status)
- Youtube accounts: 3 (deltaray3, climagic, suso)
- Major programs writing: 6 (Newmand and comm programs, Suso Control Panel, WC, clide, num-utils)
And I still have time to watch movies, go to events with my family, play games, make 3d art, etc. And believe it or not but my wife is just as busy.