Don't worry, be happy.

From SusoSight

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Don't worry, be happy.
Number: 41  
Date created: 2002-04-19 18:25:33
Previous Thought: Don't complain after you invent the problem.
Next Thought: Mainstream concerts
Voting results: Yes: 8

No: 1

Happy about what?

If you find one thing to be happy about each day and carry that feeling with you for a while, you'll find your life more pleasant. So here are several things that I can be happy about lately:

  • I have a wonderful fiancee (Marina) that cares about me a great deal and makes me happy.
  • I have an A in my calculus class.
  • My calculus professor (Sergey Pinchok) is excellent and inspires me to want to be a professor.
  • I'm starting to be able to speak Russian a little bit.
  • I'm in good health.
  • I'm going to see the Chemical Brothers in concert this weekend in Chicago.
  • Many people have been pleased with the improvements to lately.
  • The weather has been excellent lately.
  • Marina is starting to improve her driving skills.
  • The Linux operating system is continuing to improve and gain market share.
  • Mozilla and Galeon also continue to improve and are fantastic web browsers.
  • I received a rather large tax return this year (Thanks Uncle Sam)
  • The skateboarders that used to skateboard right outside my window have seemly found a better place to skateboard.
  • May 15th will mark my 5th year working at Kiva Networking.
  • I finally found a way to make my desk at work more comfortable by taping foam pads to the edge of the desk where my arms rest.
  • My programing skills are improving.
  • Next week is my last week of classes for the spring semester.
  • I'll have 9 weeks off of classes during the summer.
  • They have started releasing Star Trek: TNG on DVDs and they are pretty good quality.
  • People like you continue to read my thoughts of the moment. ;-)

For a list of other things that can make your life happy, go here. Told from a woman's point of view, but a lot of them apply to everyone. Enjoy your weekend.