Fuck Basketball!

From SusoSight

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Fuck Basketball!
Number: 36  
Date created: 2002-03-22 14:46:35
Previous Thought: "Just do it" is more than just a slogan.
Next Thought: Is it a phase or more permenant damage
Voting results: Yes: 13

No: 5

I live in a state with a bunch of neanderthals who can't contain themselves when a ball goes through a hoop.

I live in downtown Bloomington, IN and last night after IU trumped Duke 74-73 it almost caused a riot. For the next 3 hours while I was supposed to be studying for my Russian exam that I have today, I was subjected to cars blasting their horns over and over and over, people screaming and hollaring downtown and the like. It wasn't even a final four game, it was only a top 16 win. So help me if they make it to the championship game.

Marina noted that things like basketball bring people together and provide solidarity. Well why don't they every get excited about other things. Maybe the reason that I get so angry at the world is because there are not many more intellegent things to get excited about, it's all animalistic nonsense.

Sorry, I just felt the need to complain about it today. I'll be really curious to see the response to this.