Is it a phase or more permenant damage

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Is it a phase or more permenant damage
Number: 37  
Date created: 2002-03-25 19:33:58
Previous Thought: Fuck Basketball!
Next Thought: Null
Voting results: Yes: 12

No: 2

Scientists, enviromentalists and others have been telling others for years that our planet is being severely effected by the rapid development of our society. Many people are starting to question the changes in weather and recent events like the This article on sex in antartica is kinda amusing).

But what if this is all just a normal phase that our planet goes through every so often, not unlike or preceding an ice age. Since the lifetime of our planet is on such a grandious scale, phases of ecology can last well longer than our lifetimes do. Off the top of my head, I think that the sun goes through solar cycles/phases about every 30 years. That's longer than I've lived and so it's hard for me to say something like "The weather has done this before" because I have no personal experience to base it on.

I think that scientists should sometimes be a little less scientific about their approaches for a second and get together with some historians. Together they could try to determine if anyone in history has written about simular changes in climate that made them feel like the planet was changing.