Coupons are "little advertisements".

From SusoSight

Coupons are "little advertisements".
Number: 100  
Date created: 2003-08-07 18:10:46
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I have a quote by me in my list of random e-mail signatures that says "I eat someplace because I want to eat there not because I've been given a discount there". What I'm refering to is that I only use a coupon or "buy 10 get 1 free" card if I want to buy a stores product. I don't do what some people do and find coupons or deals and then go buy food or a product. You end up buying more that way.

Coupons are "little advertisements" and tracking devices. When you use them, you are giving the store or manufacturer feedback on what papers you read and how consuming you are.

Last night my wife was looking through a stack of coupons and found one for Long John Silvers. Then she tried to tell me that she wanted fish. Maybe she did indeed want fish but didn't realize it until something reminded her. But nevertheless I made sure that she really wanted to go to Long John Silvers. We ended up going there and finding out just how slow and poor the service is. Good advertising, bad follow through.

So next time you're temped to use a coupon or buy something just so that you can get something for free. Ask yourself this. If there wasn't that eye catching deal, would you have still bought it?