Sometimes you gotta play the cover music.

From SusoSight

Sometimes you gotta play the cover music.
Number: 25  
Date created: 2002-01-22 14:25:01
Previous Thought: Life is great! (was: It's a wonderful life)
Next Thought: Am I repeating myself?
Voting results: Yes: 11

No: 3

Thanks to my friends Scott and Karen for this one.

In the music world, a experimental musician or song writer who is just getting started usually finds out that to pay the bills, they have to play some of the more popular tunes to get gigs. Then once they've established themselves, they try introducing some of their own songs. I think there are a lot of famous music groups throughout history that were known for this methodology.

So you can draw a simular parrallel to the computer industry where there is the delima as to whether to work with Open Source software or to give in to the world of Microsoft, which probably 90% of the businesses out there depend on. Sometimes you have to pay the bills, until you can establish yourself.

Of course, eventually that experimental music might become the mainstream thing and then you can be one of the frontrunners in the band. Much like jazz has become much more popular recently, but has grown from it's roots more than a century ago, perhaps OSS too will be the mainstream thing that will put the steak on the table.

Even Philip Glass had to drive a cab.