Cats are smarter than dogs.

From SusoSight

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Cats are smarter than dogs.
Number: 90  
Date created: 2003-04-21 14:52:19
Previous Thought: Sub-conscious homing beacon.
Next Thought: Corporations are policing free speech!
Voting results: Feline: 18

Canine: 10

Last night as I was driving home I saw a cat cross the road a ways in front of the car. It stopped once it reached the other side of the road and just watched the car as it went by. I noticed that the cat almost seems to look right in the car at the people inside. I think cats realize that cars are not animals. I know that sounds silly, but stop and think for a second. Several dogs will bark at cars when they drive by or chase them almost as they think it's an animal that is invading their territory. But cats will sleep under the car, get up on top of the car and such. But I've never seen a cat sleep under an animal or on top of one, besides humans of course.

Behavioral patterns can show us how different animals perceive objects like cars and such. Which animal do you think is smarter? Feline or Canine?