Ubuntu - Frequently installed packages for a workstation

From SusoSight

First of all, after installation, remember to remove the CD-ROM sources line from /etc/apt/sources.list.

Also, uncomment the universe line.


Standard (at least for me)

  • apt-get install vim-nox synergy screen tmux openssh-server gkrellm gkrellm-volume gnumeric-plugins-extra abiword dia-gnome gqview inkscape glabels xaos pan akregator num-utils wine wireshark k3b mplayer blender audacity xmms geeqie chromium-browser libreoffice sox gedit xautomation moreutils whois

Extras (not really used much)

  • apt-get install clusterssh revelation stellarium celestia-gnome vlc expect
For pianobar compilation.
  • apt-get install libao-dev libgnutls-dev libfaad-dev libmad0-dev

Also for pianobar, make sure you have this in your ~/.libao file



  • apt-get install neverball foobillard lbreakout2 torcs frozen-bubble xmoto ri-li supertux nexuiz


  • apt-get install gnome-backgrounds kdewallpapers peace-wallpapers tropic-wallpapers gnome-art

Stuff for 64-bit installs

(a bit old) You might want to install the ia32-libs-sdl package, which will install a few other packages for games that need 32-bit libraries, like Doom 3 and Quake 4


Install using Xubuntu disc instead, its better.

Virtual Machines

apt-get virt-manager

I'd recommend getting VirtualBox from virtualbox.org, it has better support for things like USB 2.


I like to use the perl X11::GUITest module for automation of things on the desktop. Here are the packages required under Ubuntu to get that package installed:

  • apt-get install libxtst-dev x11proto-record-dev libxi-dev libxt-dev libxaw7-dev

Then you can install the module through CPAN.